We begin another day of bloviating here at blog station WBBB. Our blog can be found on your AM dial at BuffaloBloviator.com and on your FM dial at HowardGoldman.com. If your friends ask you what blog you are tuned into - tell them BuffaloBloviator. If your friends ask you why? - Tell them it's a celebration of bloviating.
You may be wondering why I am talking like a radio DJ today. Late last night, after WBBB (Buffalo Bloviator Blog) signed off, I was unwinding and thinking about Buffalo 's late night talk radio legend John Otto. John used to refer to his audience as "Your Listenership". John Otto did not talk like a DJ, but he inspired me to think of the audience in reverent terms. I think from now on I will refer to my readers as "Your Bloggership".
While I was searching Google for a picture of John Otto I came across a photo of another Buffalo radio legend - Shane Gibson, aka "Shane Brother Shane," aka "The Cosmic Cowboy."
Shane was huge back when I was in college. Shane sure did talk like a DJ - the ultimate DJ. But Shane was even more to us then a DJ. Shane was our philosopher. He was also the ultimate glad-handing schmoozer. I don't often hand out that accolade. I reserve it only for the greats like Shane and lounge pianist Jackie Jocko. I remember Shane even bought a club at Sheridan Drive and Colvin Boulevard, and I saw him fly on a trapeze over the bar!
Ron Moss was there, too. I wonder if he remembers that story.
One of my best friends during high school and college was my old buddy Dave Pettigrew. "Ped" was an aspiring comedian and DJ. He had a natural talent and kept us all endlessly amused. Ped and I worked a college job together and he taught me how to talk with that affected announcer voice. You know, like the voice-overs you hear on TV ads asking you to give them only $19.95 with your credit card. But wait, there's more! So Dave and I would go about our work shifts talking to each other like radio announcers. Yes people thought we were weird. I was never really good at it but Ped was the real deal. He even went on to radio school before settling into a successful career in industry. At radio school they told Ped that announcers are rarely successful if they use a contrived voice, but they taught the class that Shane was among those uniquely talented to pull that off. Ped could pull that off too.
Shane has since vanished. I have asked people in the radio industry if they know where he is but they haven't a clue. As far as I know, Shane hasn't been heard from in decades.
Perhaps the BuffaloBloviator should place the task of locating Shane on his assignment list.
I Wanna Be a Soprano!
Metropolitan Opera Valkyries. Could this be me?
Advent is flying and one of the reasons for that is that I am singing in
the St. Louis Choir. And the S...
2 months ago